In this map you can have a look at the current ongoing PhD theses in sensory science in Europe.
Click on each candidate name for further information!
Are you a PhD candidate in a European University but you are not yet on the map? Fill out the form or contact the Next Generation group to submit your information! Please remind that you should be a member of a national sensory science society affiliated to the E3S to be on the map.

Claudia Rorandelli
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Italy – Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) Title of the thesis: Chemosensory alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: methodological aspects and risk factors for their development Supervisors: Sara Spinelli, University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry, Italy Erminio Monteleone, University of Florence, Department […]

Luiz Rogério Gonçalves Magalhães
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Italy – Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) Title of the thesis: Innovazione tecnologica nello sviluppo di patè di fegato e dorso della rana toro (Aquarana castebeiana) con l’aggiunta di nutraceitici Supervisors: Eliana de Fatima Marques de Mesquita, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) Edi Piasentier, Università degli Studi […]

Holly Giles
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: United Kingdom – UK IFST Sensory Science Group Title of the thesis: WheyBetter: A fundamental approach to redesigning whey protein isolates to step change their oral performance, leading to protein fortified products that will enable muscle mass maintenance over lifecourse Supervisors: Lisa, Methven (University of Reading) […]

Andika Wicaksono Putro
Andika Wicaksono Putro National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Denmark – Danish Sensory Society/Dansk Sensorik Selskab (D2S) Title of the thesis: Understanding Attitudes and Barriers to Consuming Sustainable Coffee among Indonesian Consumers using Discrete Choice Experiment: Hypothetical and Actual Choice Supervisors: Michael Bom Frøst, University of Copenhagen Name of the PhD Program: […]

Marieke Van Bruinessen
Marieke van Bruinessen National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: The Netherland – Marktonderzoekassociatie (MOA) Title of the thesis: RESTRUCTURE Project: ‘Impact of Ultra-Processed food intake on Body composition and Metabolic Health Supervisors: Ciarán Forde (WUR), Marlou Lasschuijt (WUR), Markus Stieger (WUR) Name of the PhD Program: Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour Affiliation […]

Marta Appiani
Marta Appiani National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Italy – Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) Title of the thesis: Exploring drivers and barriers to the consumption of new plant-based foods in different population targets Supervisors: Monica Laureati, University of Milan Name of the PhD Program: Food Science Research area: Food Science and […]

Andrés Viadel Llorìa
Andés Viadel Llorìa National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Spain – Spanish Professionals Association of Sensory Science (AEPAS Title of the thesis: Strategies to understand and measure food pleasure factors as a basis for the improvement of new product Supervisors: Amparo Tárrega, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA, CSIC) Laura Laguna, Institute […]

Pericle Raverta
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Italy – Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) Title of the thesis: Consumers’ attitude towards alternative proteins Supervisors: Barbara Loera, University of Turin Name of the PhD Program: Psychological, Anthropological and Educational Sciences Affiliation of the PhD candidate and country: University of Turin, Italy Year of starting […]

Caterina Szmania
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Germany – Deutsch Gesellschaft für Sensorik (DGSens) Title of the thesis: Climate-related off-flavours in white wine Supervisors: Ulrich Fischer, DLR Rheinpfalz, Neustadt an der Weinstraße Name of the PhD Program: FEI (Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie) Affiliation of the PhD candidate and country: DLR Rheinpfalz/RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany Year […]

Maria Rosaria Giuffrè
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Italy – Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) Title of the thesis: Capturing the dynamics of sensory and emotional experience for sustainable product innovation Supervisors: Sara Spinelli, University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry, Italy Erminio Monteleone, University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, […]

Jaclyn Di Meglio
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Italy – Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) Title of the thesis: Food Preferences in cancer patients undergoing antineoplastic therapies: inputs for new tailor-made food solutions Supervisors: Sara Spinelli, University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry, Italy Caterina Dinnella, University of Florence, Department of […]

Linnea Apelman
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Sweden – Swedish Sensory Network (SSN) Title of the thesis: The role of olfaction in healthy eating among children Supervisors: Pernilla Sandvik, Uppsala University Name of the PhD Program: Individual PhD Program Affiliation of the PhD candidate and country: Uppsala University, Sweden Year of starting and […]

Saumya Sood
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: United Kingdom – UK IFST Sensory Science Group Title of the thesis: Understanding the mechanism for saltiness perception of samphire as a salt substitute Supervisors: Prof. Lisa Methven, Dr. Qiaofen Cheng, University of Reading Name of the PhD Program: Food and Nutrition Science Affiliation of the […]

Stergios Melios
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Ireland – Sensory Food Network Ireland Title of the thesis: Understanding how food formulation, eating contexts, and cultural influences shape the sensory and emotional perceptions of healthier meat products, including nitrite-reduced and nitrite-free cured meats, meat hybrids, and vegan meat alternatives. Supervisors: Dr. Emily Crofton, Teagasc […]

Louveau Anne
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: France – Société Française d’Analyse Sensorielle (SFAS) Title of the thesis: Impact of gastronomic and culinary incentive strategies to change the eating habits of consumers at home and increase the consumption of pulses Supervisors: Symoneaux Ronan – ESA Angers Name of the PhD Program: Consumer science, […]

Mar Girò-Candanedo
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Spain – Spanish Professionals Association of Sensory Science (AEPAS) Title of the thesis: Systems of Characterization and Communication of the quality and nutritional composition of food for consumers and the food industry Supervisors: Luis Guerrero (IRTA); Elena Fulladosa (IRTA) Name of the PhD Program: Food Quality […]

Hannah McNeill
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: United Kingdom – UK IFST Sensory Science Group Title of the thesis: Exploring the association between temperature and sweetness perception and the role of different composition on sweetness perception Supervisors: Qian Yang, Rebecca Ford, Ian Fisk Name of the PhD Program: PhD in Biosciences Affiliation of […]

Yuchen Zang
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: United Kingdom – UK IFST Sensory Science Group Title of the thesis: Explore consumer emotional responses towards protein alternatives via explicit and implicit methods Supervisors: Dr Margaret Thibodeau, Dr Rebecca Ford and Dr Qian Yang Name of the PhD Program: PhD Sensory Science Affiliation of the […]

Miriam Garcia Valencia
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Norwegian Sensory Society (NSN) Title of the thesis: Upcycled food: consumer acceptance of new ingredients from rest raw materials Supervisors: Paula Varela, Mari Gaarder and Themis Altintzoglou Name of the PhD Program: Food Science Affiliation of the PhD candidate and country: Nofima – Norwegian Institute of […]

Kristine Svartebekk Myhrer
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Norwegian Sensory Society (NSN) Title of the thesis: Designing household food waste interventions to achieve behaviour change Supervisors: Valerie Lengard Almli, Mari Øvrum Gaarder, Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn Name of the PhD Program: Life and Food Sciences Affiliation of the PhD candidate and country: Nofima – Norwegian […]

Lene Waldenstrøm
National sensory science society membership of the PhD candidate: Norwegian Sensory Society (NSN) Title of the thesis: Combining technology, consumer insight and sensory science in optimization and validation of sustainable and controversial food processing and development – a case study focusing on smoke-flavoring of cold-smoked salmon Supervisors: Associate Professor Jørgen Lerfall, NTNU – IBT, Professor […]
COMFOCUS Open Call #1 is offering virtual access (VA) to key European research infrastructures in the multidisciplinary field of food consumer science linked to healthy eating. COMFOCUS invites original and innovative research proposals related to exploring the motivational factors in healthy eating, including interest in food products and services that aim to support healthy eating. […]