COMFOCUS Open Call #1 is offering virtual access (VA) to key European research infrastructures in the multidisciplinary field of food consumer science linked to healthy eating. COMFOCUS invites original and innovative research proposals related to exploring the motivational factors in healthy eating, including interest in food products and services that aim to support healthy eating.
The mission of this 4-year European Union’s Horizon 2020 project is to advance the food consumer science community beyond its current level of fragmentation. This drives unity, harmonisation and scientific advancement to the community.
To do so, COMFOCUS is launching an Open Call that offers virtual access to an Easy Questionnaire Tool (EQT) that helps design questionnaires on self-reported measures in a harmonized, FAIR & RRI proof way.
We would like to engage early career researchers that are developing their MSc or PhD thesis within the consumer science domain, in relation to healthy eating, and make them part of a community that provides the opportunity to:
- Free training webinar in which we provide information on consumer research in the future. How do we envision to ‘FAIRify’ the field? The webinar will cover about harmonised measures, FAIR way of working, ontologies, etc. As part of the training the MSc or PhD students can conduct their data collections that are relevant to their own research;
- Access to the COMFOCUS Knowledge Platform and the tools and services that will be developed in the coming years;
- Create larger datasets using the connecting variables.