Aim of the WG PDO
Promoting the knowledge of and application of sensory analysis of Protected Designation of Origin products.
WG Coordinators
The E3S PDO Working Group has been founded in 2011 by Mario Zannoni (Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano, Italy, SISS) and Patxi Pérez Elortondo (Universidad del País Vasco, Spain, AEPAS) and is coordinated since 2021 by Kizkitza Insausti (Public University of Navarre, Spain, AEPAS), Barbara Guggenbuehl (Agroscope, Switzerland, IG Sensorik) and Patrizia Piccinali (Agroscope, Switzerland, IG Sensorik).
WG future activities
The future activities of the WG will be discussed in a remote meeting on June 28, 2021 with the members of the group.