E3S Workshop at Eurosense 2024: “Food neophobia in Europe across the life course: an E3S collaborative study”
Organised by the E3S Children and Taste Sensitivity Working Groups 9 September, 2024 | Dublin, Ireland Lead: Monica Laureati1, Sara Spinelli2, Caterina Dinnella2 1 Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences DEFENS, University of Milan, Italy; E3S Children Working Group 2 Department of Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Forestry DAGRI, University of Florence, Italy; E3S Taste […]

Article published by Taste Sensitivity WG: “Methods for fungiform papillae assessment: A collaborative study among European research units”
Collaboration within the Taste Sensitivity WG resulted in the publication of a Short Communication on Food Quality and Preference. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.105076 Authors: Maria Piochi, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy Sara Spinelli, University of Florence, Italy Melania Melis, University of Cagliari, Italy Monica Laureati, University of Milan, Italy Emma Freeney, University College Dublin, Ireland Lisa Methven, University […]

Children & Taste Sensitivity Working Group Workshop at E3S Symposium 2024: “E3S collaborative project on food neophobia in Europe: first results”
Organised by the E3S Taste Sensitivity and Children Working Groups Coordinators: Sara Spinelli, Caterina Dinnella and Monica Laureati The workshop will be the opportunity for the presentation of the first results of the collaborative project coordinated by the two E3S Working groups, Taste Sensitivity and Children, on food neophobia. The project aims at re-analysing the […]

Taste Sensitivity WG Workshop at the E3S Symposium 2023
The diversity in methods: focus on fungiform papillae density assessment and ongoing studies within the E3S Taste Sensitivity network 15 May 2023, 14:30 – 15:45 Uppsala, Sweden The workshop will be the opportunity to present the results of the collaborative work on the shared data on the use of different methodologies in fungiform papillae count. […]

E3S Taste Sensitivity WG Webinar – Methods matter: Oral responsiveness & psychological trait research in Europe Current and future perspectives
E3S 10th Anniversary Series 13th October 2021, 16 – 17.00 CET – Register now The webinar organised by the E3S Taste Sensitivity Working Group will be focused on the presentation of the results of a survey on methodological aspects of measurement of response to tastes, somato and tactile stimulation and psychological traits in Europe. Current and […]