E3S Taste Sensitivity WG Webinar – Methods matter: Oral responsiveness & psychological trait research in Europe Current and future perspectives

E3S 10th Anniversary Series

13th October 2021, 16 – 17.00 CETRegister now

The webinar organised by the E3S Taste Sensitivity Working Group will be focused on the presentation of the results of a survey on methodological aspects of measurement of response to tastes, somato and tactile stimulation and psychological traits in Europe. Current and future perspectives will be discussed.


Becki Ford, University of Nottingham, on behalf of the E3S board


Caterina Dinnella and Sara Spinelli, University of Florence, Italy, Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS), coordinators of the E3S Taste Sensitivity Working Group


Introduction: Taste Sensitivity & psychological trait research in Europe

Methodological aspects of:

  • Responsiveness to tastes and somatosensory sensations
  • Responsiveness to PROP
  • Fungiform papillae density
  • Tactile acuity

Future perspectives for collaborative studies and discussion


Emma Feeney, UCD Institut of Food and Health, Ireland, Sensory Food Network Ireland (SFNI)

Mari Sandell, University of Turku, Finland, Finnish Society of Food Science and Technology (ETS)

Maria Piochi, University of Gastronomic Science, Italy, Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS)

Becki Ford, University of Nottingham, IFST Sensory Science Group (IFST)

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