Post of the Month: March 2021
Discovering a new methodology: Senso’flash Nicolas Seince, Research Executive, Techni’sens, France I was at home browsing the internet, I was finding many interesting topics like new recipes, new songs,… but one new sensory methodology intrigued me: Senso’Flash. As a research executive, I needed to get some information on this method and I did, during the […]

Post of the Month: February 2021
A trip to Eurosense 2020 Dr. Sharon Puleo, Post-Doctoral researcher at the University of Naples (Italy), Department of Agricultural Sciences, Division of Food Science – Food Sensory Analysis Dear passengers, your captain is speaking. Welcome onboard flight Eurosense2020. We have just taken off from the kitchen and we are currently landing in the living room. […]

Post of the Month: January 2021
The Perks of Online Poster Presenting at Eurosense 2020 A review on virtually presenting a poster on rapid sensory methods compared to traditional descriptive methods at an online Eurosense Dr. Imogen Ramsey, Teaching Associate and Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in Sensory and Consumer Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK At the end of a very engaging, enjoyable […]

Post of the Month: September 2020
Is the flour of Tylosema esculentum the novel textural ingredient in gluten-free bread making? Dr. Patricia Nyembwe Mujinga, post doctorate researcher at the University of Pretoria (UP) Over the last few decades, the popular belief is that a gluten free (GF) diet is a healthier option. Gluten-related disorders are driving an increasing number of consumers […]

Post of the Month: July 2020
The Reflections of a Lecturer, PhD Researcher and Masters student during COVID-19 Dr. Paula Conroy, Lecturer at Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), Ireland Christina Dietz, Sensory and Brewing Science PhD student at the University of Nottingham, UK Eunan Doherty, Student Applied Sports Nutrition, GMIT, Ireland The year 2020 has unfolded in a way no […]
Post of the Month: May 2020
Changes in the Committee of the E3S Student and Early Stage Researcher Group Stephanie Bull (former E3S-SESRG Co-Chair), Nicolas Seince (E3S-SESRG Chair), and Christina Dietz, (new ESS-SESRG Co-Chair) Stephanie Bull has been involved in the Student and Early Stage Researcher (SESR) group since 2015. In 2018, she completed her PhD thesis on the influence of […]