POST OF THE MONTH: Miriam Garcia Valencia
PhD candidate, Dept. Sensory, consumer and innovation, NofimaAS E-mail: miriam.garcia@nofima.no LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miriam-garcia-valencia/ Stockholm Gastronomy Conference A snowy November weekend in the capital of Sweden was the scenario for the Stockholm Gastronomy Conference 2023. In the European Capital of Gastronomy of 2023, food was the reason to bring together the fields of sensory science, business, design, religion, policy, […]

Elena Costa – PhD Candidate, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and Gothenburg University (Sweden) To learn more about my research project and the Blue Food center more broadly, visit: https://www.bluefood.se/forskning/matneofobi-inom-sjomatskonsumtion/ email: elena.costa@ri.se LinkedIn: : https://www.linkedin.com/in/elenacosta24/ Understanding the barriers to diversify seafood consumption How can we provide a growing and ageing population with healthy and more sustainable […]

POST OF THE MONTH: Katerina Katsikari
An interview with Katerina Katsikari, Department of Consumer, Sensory and Innovation at Nofima AS and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Email: katerina.katsikari@nofima.no LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katerina-katsikari-7501a5198/ You have started a new research project now, what is it about? And what do you hope to find out? In this project, we are investigating how food texture can influence […]

POST OF THE MONTH: Pangborn 2023
Written by Karina Gonzalez Estanol & Maddalena Libardi, Chair & Deputy Chair of Next Generation Working group The beautiful city of Nantes, France, recently played host to the much-anticipated Pangborn 2023 conference. Pangborn, a biennial event, brings together leading experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from the world of sensory and consumer science to discuss and share […]

POST OF THE MONTH: August 2023
Pictured: Dr. Danny Cliceri & Dr. Leonardo Menghi (UNITN) with a first prototype of the Bulkbox Written by Dr. Michele Pedrotti, Researcher Email: michele.pedrotti@wur.nl Sensory evaluation plays a crucial role in assessing the quality, freshness, and acceptability of food products. Since my participation at the BCFN!YES contest in 2014 with the project “Common sensing: the […]

Angelica Lippi, PhD Candidate, Food Science and Technology, University of Florence (Italy) – Institut Lyfe (France) In 2017 I got a master’s degree in clinical and health psychology, my main focus has always been in human cognition and behavior. Since I started working on my master thesis, I became fascinated with how food is perceived […]