The E3S Beyond Food WG will present a poster at Eurosense 2024
“Challenges related to how sensory parameters of beyond food products are measured as they are experienced throughout the day” The members of the E3S Beyond Food working group aim to develop methods that allow for the measurement of various sensory stimuli and their respective influences within the same day. To support this initiative, they are […]

E3S Non Food WG Survey: Drivers of Liking
E3S Non Food working group releases a survey to evaluate the use of sensory perception and consumer experience methods. The questionnaire was developed with the aim of provide an international overview of the methods used to define drivers of liking, specifically on sensory perception and consumer experience methods. The questionnaire then asks respondents, completely anonymously, […]

E3S Nonfood WG Webinar – Sensory evaluation in nonfood: what a thrilling challenge!
Nonfood sensory scientists unveil the challenges and necessary adaptations of sensory evaluation practices for nonfood applications E3S 10th Anniversary Series organised by the E3S Nonfood Working Group 15th September 2021, 16 – 17.30 CET – Register now Sensory evaluation has been widely used in the nonfood sector, particularly in the cosmetics industry for decades. While its value has been acknowledged across many diverse and surprising industries, its […]

Nonfood Sensory Practices
Edited by Anne-Marie Pense-Lheritier Irene Bacle Julien Delarue Woodhead Publishing, 2021 Nonfood Sensory Practices demonstrates how sensory professionals from nonfood sectors have embraced sensory evaluation methods for product development and communication of their products’ sensory properties. The book results from the contribution of the members of the Nonfood Working Group of the European Sensory Science Society. It […]

WG past activities
E3S Workshop delivered in France 2017: Nonfood sensory evaluation feedback Eurosense 2018: Survey concerning the needs of methodologies for nonfood scientists