Nonfood sensory scientists unveil the challenges and necessary adaptations of sensory evaluation practices for nonfood applications
E3S 10th Anniversary Series
organised by the E3S Nonfood Working Group
15th September 2021, 16 – 17.30 CET – Register now
Sensory evaluation has been widely used in the nonfood sector, particularly in the cosmetics industry for decades. While its value has been acknowledged across many diverse and surprising industries, its use in many product categories has been more recent and, in many cases, very limited, mainly due to the challenges inherent in implementing this kind of research in a safe, scientific, and ethical manner.
Resulting from the need, and in some instances the requirements to use sensory science in the development of new and in many cases challenging products, the nonfood Working group of the E3S has brought together knowledge in this area in a book entitled, ‘Nonfood sensory evaluation practices”.
This webinar will present contributions from some of the authors of the book and show how sensory professionals have adapted sensory methods for use with a range of diverse, complex and challenging products.
The methodological specificities and solutions outlined in this book and webinar may also trigger new ideas and further useful developments for the sensory evaluation of food products and the study of food-related consumer behaviours.
Moderators of the event: Anne-Marie Pensé-Lhéritier, Ecole de Biologie industrielle Sensory Science Society (SFAS), France,
Coordinator of the E3S Nonfood Working Group
16.00– 16.05 Welcome
E3S representative and Anne-Marie Pensé-Lhéritier
16.05– 16.10 Measurements of emotions -nonfood applications
Lise Dreyfuss, SAM Sensory and Marketing International, Société Française d’analyse sensorielle (SFAS)
16.10 – 16.15 Sensory Methods for Cosmetics Evaluation
Céline Marque, Oriflame R&D Ltd, Société Française d’analyse sensorielle (SFAS)
16.15 – 16.20 Evaluating the Sensory Properties of Medicinal Products
Nicolas Seince, Techni’sens, Société Française d’analyse sensorielle (SFAS), Liz Sheehan and Margaret Shine, Sensory Research Limited (SRL) & Sensory Food Network Ireland.
16.20 – 16.25 How Can Multidimensional Assessments be Standardized? Focus on Medicine Acceptability from Neonates to Centenarians
Thibault Vallet, ClinSearch, France
16.25 – 16.45 Global discussion concerning the four first presentations
Moderators: Monica Borgogno Mérieux NutriSciences, Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali (SISS) and Barbara Siegmund, Graz University of Technology, Sensorik Netzwerk Österreich (SNÖ)
16.45 – 16.50 Sensory Evaluation to Identify Off-Flavor derived from Packaging Material
Barbara Siegmund, Graz University of Technology, Sensorik Netzwerk Österreich (SNÖ)
16.50 – 16.55 Sensory Evaluation and Sport Materials
Mathilde Charles, Decathlon, Société Française d’Analyse Sensorielle, SFAS
16.55 – 17.00 Sensory and Consumer Sciences Applicated on Ornamental Plants
Ronan Symoneaux, Groupe ESA, UR GRAPPE, Société Française d’Analyse Sensorielle, SFAS
17.00 – 17.05 Sensory Evaluation of Pet Food Products
Julien Rogues, Dianapetfood, France
17.05 – 17.25 Global discussion concerning the four second presentations
Moderators: Lise Dreyfuss SAM Sensory and Marketing International, Société Française d’analyse sensorielle (SFAS), and Fabrice Ruiz, ClinSearch, France
17.25 – 17.30 Conclusion on the main points E3S representative