Summer School
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna and Elsevier
Department of Mathematics, Multimedia Lab, Piazza di Porta San Donato, 5, Bologna, ITALY
21 – 25 July 2014
deadline for applications: July 11th
The purpose of the 2014 summer course “Writing and publishing the literature review in food science: A practical workshop” is to provide theory and practice in writing an effective and publishable review paper in food science. The course will also prepare the student for writing the bibliographic review that is required as the first chapter of a Master’s thesis or PhD dissertation. The essential tools necessary for reviewing the literature in a given sub-topic will be explained, and each participant will draft a review article on a previously arranged topic with a view to possible publication.
The course will be taught by Dr. Judith Crews, PhD (Managing Editor of Journal of Composition and Analysis) under the co-ordination of Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi, PhD (UNIBO).
Classes will be held from Monday July 21st to Friday July 25th, with 8 hours per day of lectures and practical activities. There will be ten sessions (morning/afternoon, with a lunch break in between) dealing with theory, application and writing exercises.
After registration each student will communicate a draft title and 100-word draft Abstract to the Managing Secretariat for evaluation of the suitability for writing the review during the course. A required reading list will be communicated to all registered participants before the course begins; students are required to have read all documents before the first class.
A certificate will be awarded to all participants. A final exam is scheduled on Friday July 25th.
Fee: 350 €
To apply, please CLICK HERE
For further information, visit the FOODWRITING site