Spanish Professionals Association of Sensory Science (AEPAS)

Spanish Professionals Association of Sensory Science (AEPAS) is a non-profit organization founded in 2011, which gathers professional individuals and institutions working in sensory science. The aims of AEPAS are i) to contribute to the progress of Sensory Science and its application, ii) to disseminate sensory science at different levels.

How to become a AEAPAS member

Several membership modalities are available: individuals, institutions/companies and students. The candidates are invited to submit their proposal to the Board with their preferred modality and to provide evidence of their eligibility. Once approved, renewals are done automatically, except for the students’ applications which must provide students eligibility certification every year.


E3S delegate (representatives)

Maruxa García Quiroga

Amparo Tárrega Guillem

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