Smarter, Faster, Stronger: Sensory & Consumer Science, for true business relevance
Danone Nutricia Center, 6th November 2018
The Expert Group Sensory Research of the MOA, the Dutch Expertise Center for Marketing Insights, Research & Analytics, presents a smashing symposium on the value of sensory for business. At the Danone Nutricia Research Center key contributors are presenting their latest methods, experiences and insights from sensory & consumer science. Amongst them: Unilever, Danone, IFF, Haystack, Essensor/OP&P and Wageningen University Research (WUR).
Chaired by Prof. Dr. Hans van Trijp.
9.00 Doors open
9.30 Welcome by Chairman Prof. Dr. Hans van Trijp
9.45 Keynote: Consumer centricity innovation: a trend or a norm? by Victoire Dairou | Danone
10.30 Keynote: Methods’merits by Garmt Dijksterhuis | WUR
11.00 Coffee break
11.25 Parallel Session:
• Measuring meaningful differences by Daniëlle van Hout & Chantalle Groeneschild | Unilever
• Agile consumer insights in practice by Ludovic Depoortere | Haystack
• A session by Stan Knoops | IFF
12.00 Morning closure by Prof. Dr. Hans van Trijp
12.15 Lunch break
13.15 Meet the MOA Sensory Research Expert group by Loes van Tiel
13.25 Keynote: It isn’t just what you do, it is how you do it by Hannelize van Zyl | Heineken
14.25 Presentation and discussion by teachers and students from several Universities and Colleges
15.35 Coffee break
15.55: Parallel Session:
• Better, smarter, faster: Two novel implicit consumer measures validated by Dr. Harold (JHF) Bult | Applegg
• A session by Julie Palczak | Danone
• A session by Sarah Lindeman| Friesland Campina
16.30 Keynote by Wim Vaessen | Essensor/OP&P
17.15 Day closure by Prof. Dr. Hans van Trijp
17.30 Drinks, bites and guided tour Danone Nutricia Research Center