E3S Eurosense Student Award – Ansung Kim
I would like to express my heartfelt delight and thank to the European Sensory Science Society (E3S) for the recognition of my work and to my supervisors for their support. It was a great honour to receive the E3S Eurosense Student Award and present my work in oral and poster presentations in my first year attending EuroSense.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, this year EuroSense 2022 “A sense of Earth” was finally able to hold physically in Turku, Finland. By attending the 10th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, I had the opportunity to learn about all the interesting research related to sensory and consumer science going on around the world. The conference paid special attention to innovative approaches to study sensory perception in relation to preference, choice, and other types of behaviour from a global perspective. A variety of research topics were covered in various sessions, and I was pleased to note that many interesting talks focused on plant-based food, meat alternatives, and sustainability were included at this conference. It was a great opportunity to meet and share my research with experts in the field of sensory and consumer science from across the world since my PhD project is particularly focused on plant-based protein for human and environmental health.
I was fortunate enough to present my work as an oral presentation at the Early Career Research (ECR) Seminar and a poster presentation at the poster session. My presentation focused on the study of the association between consumers’ meat attachment and their sensory properties and preference of plant-based meat alternatives. It gave me the opportunity to make my research findings public to a wide audience. It provided the chance to discuss and share some aspects of this research approach with many researchers who have similar interests.
All in all, my experience with EuroSense 2022, my first ever attending EuroSense, was a very important and valuable experience opening up my career. Once again, I would like to thank the organizers for successfully hosting the conference so that I can have this amazing experience. It was the conference where the eyes, ears, and mouth were pleased with the careful consideration and organization of the organizers.
With this amazing and successful conference experience with EuroSense 2022, I am looking forward to attending the conference again in 2024 in Ireland.
Ansung Kim