Presentation of National Sensory Societies: UK, Sweden, Austria, The Netherlands

E3S 10th Anniversary Series

9th March 2022, 16 – 17.15 CET – Register now

Want to know more about the activities of national sensory science societies in Europe? Get to know our members in the next E3S webinar.

You will get information on how the societies are organised, how to become a member, and which are their main current and future activities



16.00 – 16.15

Institut of Food Science and Technology (IFST Sensory Science Group), Dr. Kate Bailey, Dr. Stephanie Mitchell, Dr. Sarah Billson and Dr. Lauren Rogers

16.15 – 16.30

Swedish Sensory Network (SSN), Dr. Pernilla Sandvik, chair of the SSN

16.30 – 16.45

Sensorik Netzwerk Österreich SNÖ, Dr. Barbara Sigmund and Dr. Klaus Dürrschmid, chair and vice chair of SNÖ

16.45 – 17.00

The Sensory Profgroup – Vakgroep Sensorisch Onderzoek (VSO – MOA), Dr. Danielle van Hout, chair of VSO-MOA

17.00 – 17.15



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