A review of the 2nd Edition of the E3S Student and Early Stage Research Group Knowledge Exchange Webinar (10th March 2020)
María Mora, Research Scientist at the Basque Culinary Center, Spain
The 2nd Edition of the E3S Student and Early Stage Research Group Knowledge Exchange Webinar took place on the 10th of March. This initiative started last year under the supervision and promotion of Adriana Galiñanes Plaza intending to enhance research networks across Europe by sharing our knowledge and experiences. The first edition was hosted by the French Sensory Analysis Society (SFAS) with the participation of students from all over the world: France, United Kingdom, Spain, The Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Chine, South Korea, Singapore, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and The United States.
As a European initiative, this year Adriana proposed that the Spanish Professionals Association of Sensory Science (AEPAS) could hold the 2nd Edition of the Knowledge Exchange Webinar. Today, I will tell you more about the content of the event. So, on the 17th of November of 2019, a team of students and early-stage researcher members of E3S was built to develop the 2nd knowledge exchange webinar. The team was composed by four members of SFAS, organizers of the 1st edition, and one member of AEPAS: Adriana Galiñanes Plaza, communication, social media and website manager of E3S and creator of the webinar initiative, Anastasia Eschevins, a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut Paul Bocuse Research Centre; Nicolas Seince, E3S SESRG Committee Chair and sensory project manager, Jessica Dacleu, research project manager in Altran; and myself, PhD postdoctoral researcher in sensory analysis at Basque Culinary Center.
After the hard work of the organizing team, the 2nd exchange webinar of the E3S Student and Early Stage Research Group took place on the 10th of March. A total of 25 participants from different parts of Europe and other countries, registered for this event. The webinar had a length of one hour and a half and presented some of the researches carried out in Spain during the last year. Specifically, three speakers honoured us by sharing their experiences through three 10 minutes’ presentations. Silvia Rozas, culinary chef at the Basque Culinary Center opened the webinar talking about her experience applying sensory analysis techniques in the gastronomy sector and hospitality as a gastronomic science student. The second speaker was Elena Romeo-Arroyo, researcher and PhD student at the Basque Culinary Center, showing the results of her last research about the influence of packaging, label symmetry, curvature, and colour, on the perception of brand premiumness developed in her internship at BI Norwegian Business School. Finally, Patricia Puerta, PhD student at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, closed the webinar talking about how useful could social media be for Consumer Research. Participants had time to discuss with the speakers after each presentation which contributed to a better understanding of the speakers’ research experiences.
The webinar was recorded and shared to all person registered and/or interested in the topics presented. This event is an opportunity to develop and disseminate research, innovation and education in sensory science.

I would like to thank all participants for taking part, as well as the organizing team members for their commitment. Especially, I would like to thank Adriana for creating this kind of exciting opportunity to build bridges between students from different countries, and to Nicolas for being so creative, pro-active, and push forward this initiative.
Written by: María Mora

Research Scientist at the Basque Culinary Center, Spain
Email: mmora@bculinary.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maría-mora-gijón-58305b60/