Post Doctoral Position in Sensory Evaluation at University of California, Davis

Post Doctoral Position in Sensory Evaluation at the Heymann Sensory Laboratory

University of California, Davis

A postdoctoral position is available to join the Heymann sensory laboratory. For this opportunity, the exact area of sensory science is open. Qualified candidates should be in possession of a PhD degree and interested in the areas of sensory science and multivariate statistics. Qualified candidates should be proficient in English to perform the training of sensory descriptive panels. As part of your application write a 1-page research proposal on the area(s) of sensory science that you would wish to work on. Also, provide the names and e-mail addresses of three potential references.

Position is for one year with renewal for a second year possible upon satisfactory progress;  Available immediately. 

About the Heymann Laboratory:

The laboratory focuses on the use of sensory methods to describe the taste, smell and mouthfeel of products and how they relate to processing parameters or consumer behaviors. We usually work on wine and other alcoholic beverages, but have also worked with many other food products. We are part of the Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis, and we collaborate with other laboratories of the department to understand the effect of viticultural and winemaking practices on the chemical and sensory properties of wines. Another important part of our research  focuses on testing sensory methods of description (descriptive analysis, rapid methods) in different context to understand how changes in the procedure may impact the results.

In the laboratory, the postdoctoral fellow will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Generate ideas for research projects
  • Conduct their own research projects independently: design and execute experiments, analyze data and write the results in articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals
  • Work with collaborators from other laboratories and industry by consulting on the design of their projects, executing the sensory part and reporting on the results
  • Train undergraduate and graduate students on experimental design, sensory methods, data analysis
  • Help with the administrative tasks in the laboratory: order supplies, maintain SOPs, coordinate research projects
  • Knowledge of R and FIZZ would be useful, but is not required

Professor Hildegarde Heymann; Dept. of Viticulture & Enology; University of California, Davis, CA 95616. Phone: 530-754-4816; Fax: 530-752-0381;






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