Pangborn 2015

23-27 August 2015 | Svenska Mässan, The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden

When advancing into the future, let’s be inspired by the pioneer who led the way and developed the sensory field into the interdisciplinary science it is today. It is with great pleasure SIK – The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology – invites you to the 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Gothenburg Sweden. Together with the world’s leading experts in sensory science the latest knowledge will be presented and discussed, new and innovative industrial applications highlighted, students and young scientists will be recognized, and Nordic sensory research exposed. Sensory and consumer science has had, and will continue to have, a major influence on how we can meet the future challenges of a sustainable world, where the interaction between human beings and products, food and non-food, and services and technology is of utmost importance.

Conference Chair:

Annika Åström, SIK – The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Sweden
Liisa Lähteenmäki – Aarhus University, Denmark
Mia Prim, SIK – The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Sweden

Conference deadlines:

Abstract Submission Deadline: 27 March 2015
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 19 June 2015

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