8th International Research Symposium
Center for Food & Hospitality Research – Institut Paul Bocuse
Lyon, April 29th 2015
Abstract submission deadline: Deadline March 1st
The Research Symposium welcomes, once a year, international researchers and professionals to present their work and discuss issues related to food and hospitality. Each year, a specific topic is addressed from the point of view of multiple scientific fields such as health sciences, nutrition, psychology, cognition, sociology, economics, etc., offering an enriching overview on different topics.
The eight edition of the International Research Symposium aims to share up-to-date research on managing hunger and satiety both from the consumers and from the producer’s perspectives.
More, this day will be devoted to address appetite and food intake mechanisms in relation to pleasure and health in a product context or a food service context. Normal and healthy eating will be discussed as well as some mentions of overeating and obesity or under eating and denutrition.
A range of speakers from both academic and industrial sectors, among which Pr. John Blundell, University of Leed, and Pr. Kees de Graaf, University of Wageningen, will share their knowledge and understanding of hunger and satiety and their relation to eating behaviors. Thus physiological, psychological and social scales will be tackled.
A scientific advisory board presided by Dr. Herb Meiselman will build the program from selected papers – proposal to be sent by March 1st.
Proposals (500 word-abstract) to be sent by March 1st to
Further information: 15 Symposium Managing Hunger and Satiety – Call
Note other events of interest to be held at the Institut Paul Bocuse:
Workshop on Context effects on consumer judgments on April 30th with H. Meiselman
Workshop on Satiety and eating behavior: Concepts and methods on September 10th with F. Bellisle