IPB – Conference International Research Symposium – Eating at workplaces

The Center for Food & Hospitality Center – Institut Paul Bocuse

7th International Research Symposium



Ecully (Lyon), June 5th, 2014

Institut Paul Bocuse’s Food & Hospitality Research Center


The Institut Paul Bocuse’s Food & Hospitality Research Center hosts an annual Research Symposium in which researchers and professionals from throughout the world come together to discuss cuting edge themes in research.

For the 7th consecutive year, on the occasion of its symposium, the Research Center will bring together experts on the following topic: “Eating at the Workplace”.

The seventh edition of the International Research Symposium aims to share up-to-date research on eating practices at the workplace and their relation to the employees’ pleasure, health and wellness. The evolution of eating habits in the workplace reflects global social and economic trends. Notably, the reduction of the amount of daily time dedicated to eating, in the majority of developed countries, seems to particularly affect the organization of meals at work. In parallel, new societal challenges associated with nutrition and health, food safety, and, more generally, sustainability have arisen, prompting foodservice professionals to develop new strategies and modify their offer. Consequently, the foodservice sector today faces an increasing demand for convenient, quickly accessible and flexible offers. In response to all these trends, the landscape of out-of-home food offer appears considerably diversified, with the emergence of new types of food outlets, the development of snacking and street food concepts, and the transformation of workplace collective catering. In addition, the foodservice sector has increased its involvement into public health or sustainability-related programs.

Further information

Registration before May17th, 2013 (limited number of participants)
http://www.institutpaulbocuse.com/us/food-hospitality/symposium/ Queries at: recherche@institutpaulbocuse.com
Fees (covers registration, breaks and lunch): industry: 210 € – academics: 90 € Students: 25 € (under conditions of a cover letter and CV)

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