Individual Differences in Sensory and Consumer Science

Individual Differences in Sensory and Consumer Science
1st Edition
Experimentation, Analysis and Interpretation
Authors: Tormod Naes, Paula A. Varela & Ingunn Berget
Published Date: 1st March 2018

Individual Differences in Sensory and Consumer Science: Experimentation, Analysis and Interpretation presents easily readable, state-of-the-art coverage on how to plan and execute experiments that give rise to individual differences, also providing the framework for successful analysis and interpretation of results. The book highlights the different methodologies that can be applied and how to select the correct methodology based on the type of study you are performing, be it product research and development, quality control or consumer acceptance studies.

Written by an experienced team of statisticians and sensory and consumer scientists, the book provides both academics and industry professionals with the first complete overview of a topic of ever-increasing importance.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. General concept and framework
  3. Individual differences in descriptive sensory data
  4. Individual differences in discrimination testing
  5. Individual differences in projective mapping
  6. Individual differences in CATA, sorting and PSP
  7. Individual differences in TDS
  8. Individual differences in consumer liking data (rating)
  9. Individual differences in consumer liking data (choice based conjoint)
    Appendix: The different statistical methods used

Key Features
Identifies how to plan and execute experiments in sensory and consumer science
Analyzes and interprets individual variances in sensory and consumer research
Differentiates best practices for examining product development, quality control and consumer acceptance
Sensory scientists in research and industry, Statisticians working in the sensory and consumer science area, Postgraduate students in sensometrics, and high level undergraduate courses

Paperback ISBN: 9780081010006
Imprint: Woodhead Publishing
Page Count: 308

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