Editor : P. Burgess Woodhead Publishing 2016
1. Multisensory Packaging Design: Color, Shape, Texture, Sound, and Smell
C. Spence
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Neuroscience-Inspired Packaging Design
1.3. Packaging Color
1.4. Packaging Shape
1.5. Packaging Texture
1.6. Packaging Weight
1.7. Ease of Opening
1.8. Auditory Packaging Design
1.9. Olfactory Packaging Design
1.10. Tasty Packaging
1.11. Individual/Cultural Differences in Multisensory Packaging Design
1.12. Conclusions
2. Consumer Reactions to On-Pack Educational Messages
K.G. Grunert
2.1. The Food Label as an Information Source
2.2. A Model of Consumer Processing of On-Pack Information
2.3. Effects of Major Types of On-Pack Messages
2.4. The Role of Context
2.5. New Developments in Package Communication
3. Designing Inclusive Packaging
J. Goodman-Deane, S. Waller, M. Bradley, A. Yoxall, D. Wiggins and P.J. Clarkson
3.1. Noninclusive Packaging
3.2. Inclusive Design
3.3. A Framework for Inclusive Design
3.4. Empathy Tools
3.5. Simulation
3.6. Personas
3.7. Conclusions
3.8. Future Work and Trends
4. Omni-Channel Retail—Challenges and Opportunities for Packaging Innovation
C. Barnes
4.1. Introduction
4.2. The Omni-Channel Shopping Experience
4.3. Innovative Packaging for Omni-Channel Retail
4.4. Packaging as the Omni-Channel Integrator
4.5. Satisfying Customers Through Omni-Channel Packaging Innovation
4.6. Summary
5. Emotion Measurements and Application to Product and Packaging Development
S. Spinelli and M. Niedziela
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Emotion Measurement Methods in Sensory and Consumer Studies and Applied Consumer Neuroscience
5.3. Emotions in the Product Experience: From the Product to the Packaging (and Back)
5.4. Future Trends
5.5. Sources of Further Information and Advice
6. Neurosense and Packaging: Understanding Consumer Evaluations Using Implicit Technology
E. Fulcher, A. Dean and G. Trufil
6.1. Problems With the Self-Report Method in Market Research
6.2. Products Are Evaluated Spontaneously by Consumers
6.3. The Neuroscience Alternative
6.4. Implicit Reaction-Time Tests
6.5. System 1 and Associative Memory Networks
6.6. Implicit Versus Explicit Measures: Validity Issues
6.7. Cognitive Psychology of Consumer Pack Perception
6.8. Case Studies
7. Explicit Methods to Capture Consumers’ Responses to Packaging
S. Thomas and M. Chambault
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Large-Scale Quantitative Assessment of Consumers’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Packaging Features
7.3. Small-Scale Exploration of Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Packaging Concepts and Prototypes: Focus Groups, Enabling, and Projective Techniques
7.4. Consumers’ Interaction With Packaging In-home and In-store: Observation
7.5. An Evaluation of the Relative Importance of Different Packaging Components and Extrinsic Cues: Conjoint Analysis and MaxDiff
7.6. Holistic Approaches to Explore the Similarities and Differences in Overall Packaging and Packaging Design Components: Projective Mapping and Related Techniques
7.7. Conclusions
8. Consumers’ Mindset: Expectations, Experience, and Satisfaction
P. Burgess
8.1. Consumer Choices
8.2. Expectations and Satisfaction
8.3. Consumption Processing Model
8.4. Case Study: Citrus-Flavored Green Teas
8.5. Conclusions