When: 11th -15th September 2023
Where: ETSI Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Madrid, Spain
During the last two decades or so, new methods of sensory analysis have gained ground. Among these methods, we single out Free Sorting Task, Check All That Apply, Projective Mapping also called Naping, TDS and TCATA. These methods yield specific and interesting data that the practitioner needs to analyze taking account of both, the data nature and the objective to be pursued. We will give an overview of the statistical strategies of analysis devoted to such an aim. These strategies encompass standard multivariate methods (e.g., Principal Components Analysis and Correspondence Analysis) and Multiblock data Analyses (e.g., Generalized Procrustes Analysis and Multiple Factor Analysis).
Similarly to previous editions of AEPAS Sensometrics course, the course will take place in a Computers room at the ETSI Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). This course includes new and more advanced contents than previous editions. We count with excellent international lecturers, with recognised experience in the different techniques. The language of the course will be English and the course is planned to have a good balance between theory and practice. Practicals will use typical datasets of the sensory and consumer field and will be analysed with the free software R.
Besides of the 3-day main course, it is possible to enroll two additional workshops (before and/or after the main course) on R and on Structural Equation Modelling, respectively (see attached program). A reduced fee will be applied to attendees registered to the three activitites.
The modalities and fees (in euros) are as follows:

Admission applications may be sent since 16th January 2023 by email to aepas.etsiaab@upm.es, indicating in the subject “Application Sensometrics Course”. The message should include the fee modality to be applied (E3S next generation WG, E3S member, ANSWER, SSP, Senselatam members, etc…).
There is a limited number of seats which will be assigned according to the admission application message date. AEPAS will confirm the reservation and will provide the details for payment after 17th April 2023. Any interested attendee needing confirmation of booking before 17th april should ask for it by email. Fees reduction will need to be justified (e.g. certificate of membership to a sensory society, student certificate, etc…). It is recommended to apply for admission as soon as possible.