Lyon, 13-15 November 2019
A Symposium about Food & Hospitality Multisensory Perspectives organised by three partners : EuroCHRIE small group meeting (SGM) by Breda UAS, Haaga-Helia UAS and the Institut Paul Bocuse
We would be pleased to welcome you to our symposium that focuses on multisensory consumer experience : dining atmospherics, meal experience, flavour perception and beyond. Our event consists of two parts, which link consumer experience research and design thinking in hospitality & food perception, through cognitive mechanisms and sensory analysis.
Days 1-2. Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Hospitality Research organised by Breda UAS, Haaga-Helia UAS and Institut Paul Bocuse
- Day 1: Food and Hospitality Experience
- Day 2: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Hospitality Research
A EuroCHRIE small group meeting (SGM)
Day 3. Food Perception Mechanisms, Innovation & Health A research symposium organised by Institut Paul Bocuse
Keynote speakers
Prof. Debra Zellner Montclair State University / Monell Chemical Senses Center /University of Pennsylvania (USA) “Why we like the foods we like: It’s more than just taste” & Prof. Erminio Monteleone Universita degli Studi Firenze (IT) “Considering sensory and affective individual differences in healthy food design”