FLINS 2016 – 12th International FLINS Conference
August 24-26 2016, ENSAIT, Roubaix (France)
Special Session on Soft Computing and Sensory Analysis – Preliminary Call for Papers
deadline for paper submission: February 5th, 2016
FLINS, an acronym originally for Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science, is now extended into a well-established international research forum to advance the foundations and applications of computational intelligence for applied research in general and for complex engineering and decision support systems.
The principal mission of FLINS is bridging the gap between machine intelligence and real complex systems via joint research between universities and international research institutions, encouraging interdisciplinary research and bringing multidiscipline researchers together.
FLINS 2016 is the twelfth in a series of conferences on computational intelligence systems. The conference will be held in Roubaix, a suburban community of Lille City, in the North of France. It follows the successful previous FLINS Conference since 1994. FLINS2016 will be again included in the ISI proceedings as previous ones. Special issues of SCI indexed journals will be devoted to a strict refereed selection of extended papers.
The aim of this special session on Soft Computing and Sensory Analysis is to discuss and disseminate the most recent advancements focused on Sensory Analysis supported by Soft Computing techniques, making emphasis on advance knowledge-based systems endowed with the capability to handle the inherent uncertainty and imprecision of such analysis. All details about the session are in the attached PDF.
The deadline for paper submission is February 5th, 2016. Notice that papers submitted for special sessions are to be peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the rest of contributed papers. As a result, all accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of FLINS2016.
We encourage you to take part in this special session. In case you are interested in submitting a paper on these and related topics or you desire to get additional information, please do not hesitate to contact by e-mail one of the organizers.
The organizers
Dr. Cécile Coulon-Leroy, Laboratoire GRAPPE, École Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers, France (c.coulon@groupe-esa.com)
Pr. Jacky Montmain, Ecole des Mines d’Alès, Centre LGI2P, Nîmes, F-30000, France (jacky.montmain@mines-ales.fr)
Dr. Jose M. Alonso, Computing with Perceptions Research Unit, European Centre for soft Computing, Spain (jose.alonso@softcomputing.es)