We are delighted to announce a new, exciting and fun competition for EuroSense2024 delegates! We want to explore your sense of global culture and share it with the rest of the EuroSense2024 community! To take part, it’s as simple as submitting a photograph taken by you of a food, a product or an eating environment, reflecting the country you are living in, the country you were born in, or a fusion of both. You decide! Tweet your photograph with a short caption on the X.com website by 31 July and tag @SensoryFood_IRL, @ELSfoodscience and #EuroSense2024 in your post. Alternatively, you can submit your photograph and caption to SensoryFoodNetworkIreland@teagasc.ie Elsevier have kindly sponsored cash prizes, which will be awarded for the top three photographs. Winners will be announced during the closing ceremony on 11 September. All photographs will be showcased throughout the conference. So, start posting and let’s get a taste of our global sensory science community! From Emily, Eimear and Sinéad, your conference chairs. Let’s hope for a sunny September, but pack your umbrella just in case!