EUROSENSE 2022: A Sense of Earth

10th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research

13 – 16 September 2022 | Turku, Finland

Conference chairs:

Mari Sandell, University of Helsinki and University of Turku, Finland
Terhi Pohjanheimo, Aistila Oy, Finland

The European Sensory Science Society (E3S) and the ATJ Sensory Science Division of the Finnish Society of Food Science and Technology invite you to the 10th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research ‘A Sense of Earth’.

EuroSense is a successful event, gathering sensory and consumer researchers, both academics and from industry, worldwide. The meeting is a unique opportunity for discovering the latest innovations in the field and for networking, as well as meeting up with colleagues and friends in a relaxed atmosphere.

The topic of the 2022 conference is ‘A Sense of Earth’, with a specific attention to innovative approaches to study sensory perception in relation to preference, choice, and other types of behavior from a global perspective. Our commitment is to build a scientific program considering emerging challenges, the latest knowledge, and out-of-the-box ideas in both fundamental and applied sensory and consumer science. The conference includes food and other applications where the study of the senses plays a key role.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Sensory and Consumer Science for Sustainability and Biodiversity
  • Sensory, FoodTech & Health
  • Sensory Food Terroir
  • Cross Cultural in Sensory and Consumer Research
  • Citizen Involvement
  • Multisensory Perception
  • Food Choice, Sensory Perception and Beyond
  • Sensometrics

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