European PhD Workshop



A two-day workshop on methodological issues

February 16th – 17th, 2012
Institut Paul Bocuse, Ecully, Lyon, France

Located in Ecully, next to Lyon, the Institut Paul Bocuse offers both undergraduate and graduate programs aimed at training future professionals in the fields of culinary arts, hospitality and foodservice management.

The Research Center opened its doors in 2008, with the purpose of exploring the many scientific challenges pertaining to the areas of expertise of the Institut. At the interface between university and industry, the research projects are conducted from a pluridisciplinary perspective, focusing on the study of choices, usages and perceptions in order to investigate the link between man and food in the contexts of culinary arts, hospitality and foodservice.

With the PhD Workshop, the research center intends to create a unique opportunity for scientific exchanges for PhD students of both the Institut Paul Bocuse and other universities, without any distinction of discipline. The workshop will combine interventions from experienced researchers (plenary lectures), practical application of research methodologies (tutorials), presentations and discussion of PhD works (PhD sessions) and scientific exchanges. [see preliminary program below]. The official language of the workshop is English.


Workshop Participants – presenting a paper: Phd students, junior researchers
Program Attendees – not presenting a paper: Researchers, Supervisors

Date: from the 16th of February to the 17th of February 2012

Official language: English

Place: Institut Paul Bocuse Research Center 69130 Ecully (near to Lyon), France

Fee [covering registration, coffee breaks, lunches & dinner]:
100 € [Workshop Participants]
150 € [Program Attendees]

Deadline for proposals: December 10th, 2011
Notification of selection: 
December 15th, 2011
Delivery of papers:
January 15th, 2012

Contact, sending proposals and queries:

Further information

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