E3S Students Awards


EUROSENSE, Bern 9-12th September 2012

Winners of the E3S Student Awards 2012: May Ng (University of Nottingham) and Carole Sester (CSGA)

Winners of the E3S Student Awards 2012:
May Ng
(University of Nottingham) and Carole Sester (CSGA)

  • May Ng, University of Nottingham

An emotional journey: From sensory to packaging cues and back again!
M. Ng*1, C. Chaya2, J. Hort1
1University of Nottingham, UK, 2Technical University of Madrid, Spain

May Ng Eurosense student report

  • Carole Sester, Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation

“I see therefore I drink” – contextual interactions between beers, packaging and visual displays in an immersive bar
C. Sester*1, D. Valentin1,2, C. Dacremont1,2, O. Deroy3
1CSGA, France, 2Agrosup’Dijon, France, 3Centre for the Study of the Senses, France

Carole Sester Eurosense student report

Eurosense 2012 Photogallery

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