Closing date for applications: 17th June 2012
E3S announces two student awards for the participation to Eurosense.
Number of awards: 2
Details of the award: 600 Euros
Eligibility: Applications are accepted from PhD students in their final, or penultimate year, enrolled at Universities in E3S Member countries. Applicants must also have been accepted for an oral presentation at the Eurosense Symposium.
Materials required for application: A letter indicating the motivation to apply, a 1000 word abstract outlining the research to be presented, a short CV, and a supporting letter from a supervisor confirming eligibility of the student.
Submission: Applications should be sent electronically to Dr Joanne Hort, E3S Vice Chair joanne.hort@nottingham.ac.uk
Conditions: Successful applicants will be expected to will acknowledge E3S support on their presentation and submit a report, written in English, on their experience and the benefits of attending Eurosense. The report may be published at the discretion of E3S in its publications or on its website.