E3S Student Award 2024


The European Sensory Science Society is pleased to announce that four awards of €1,500 will be given out to PhD students enrolled at Universities in E3S Member countries for their contribution to the Eurosense conference.

There will be three traditional E3S PhD awards, and one Special Award in memory of Pieter Punter (1947-2017).

Pieter was an integral backbone of E3S since its inception and was an enthusiastic and thought-provoking contributor in the field of sensory consumer research. In agreement with his family and former colleagues, the prize will be awarded to a PhD student who has additionally provided evidence of asserting their active and autonomous character, providing your own ideas, participation in workshops/ volunteering/ contribution to research group/University/ National sensory society within their application. In case of more than one eligible candidate for this last category, the candidate with the highest score will be selected.

The award winners will each receive €1500 after their attendance at the conference to help towards their travel and expenses. The winners will be also asked to prepare a report of their participation in the conference that will be posted on the E3S website.

Application will open here shortly.

All applicants must:
  • Be a PhD student enrolled at a University in a E3S member country (including students that were enrolled at a University but have defended their thesis after 1 October 2023) and be an E3S member (you will be asked to confirm the name of the National Society that you are a student member of).
  • Provide the abstract number assigned through official Eurosense 2024 abstract submission system.
  • Submit an extended abstract (see instructions below) before the submission date explaining the need for the research, its novelty, research aims/objectives, the methods employed, data analysis, results, discussion and wider impact of the research, as well as submitting a normal abstract online in the normal way through the Eurosense website by the required deadline.
  • Provide evidence of your contribution to the field of sensory and consumer science. This could include demonstration of an active contribution to the field of sensory science via your member country’s organisation, the E3S next generation group or wider in the community via outreach activities. This could also include evidence of strong communication skills and networking in the field. To be considered for the Pieter Punter award you should also include: evidence of asserting your active and autonomous character, providing your own ideas, participation in workshops/ volunteering/ contribution to research group/University/ National sensory society.
  • Submit a supporting letter from your supervisor (max 500 words) confirming your eligibility and (where appropriate) the abilities of the candidate to be an independent researcher. Skills in leadership, communication and networking (where appropriate) may also be evidenced here as well as any other attributes that make you an ideal candidate for the E3S awards and/or Pieter Punter award.
Applications are assessed using the following weighting:
  • Extended abstract 60%
  • Applicants’ contribution to the field 15%
  • Supporting letter from supervisor 15%
  • Acceptance as poster or oral communication by Eurosense Scientific Committee

Extended abstracts’ instructions:
The extended abstract should be 1000 words and must have the following items:

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

In order to facilitate editing, your extended abstract should adhere to the following rules:

  • Use A4 page format (210 x 297 mm)
  • Leave 2.5 cm margins at the top, bottom, right and left sides of each page
  • Use Arial font
  • Use size 14 points bold for paper title, size 12 points bold for authors’ names, size 12 points bold for section titles, and size 12 points regular for the text.
  • Use single space between lines.
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