The European Sensory Science Society is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 edition of the E3S Eurosense Student Awards.
The E3S Eurosense Student Award Committee thanks all the 11 students that applied and congratulate them on the extremely high level of the extended abstracts submitted.
There are four awards, one of which is dedicated to Pieter Punter.
The awarding ceremony will take place during the Eurosense conference that will be held Turku (Finland) on Thursday, 15th September, 2022 at 09:20.
Leonardo Menghi – E3S EuroSense Student Awards 2022 dedicated to Pieter Punter
University of Trento (Italy) and University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) and Danish Sensory Society/Dansk Sensorik Selskab (D2S)
What's behind the differences in sensory responsiveness to oral stimuli in real foods?: a possible link with oral and gut microbiota
Oral presentation
Parallel session 10: Food choice, sensory perception and beyond
Friday 16th September 2022, 10:30 – 12:00, Location: Logi Hall
Victoria Norton – E3S EuroSense Student Awards 2022
University of Reading (UK), IFST Sensory Science Group (UK)
Individual variation in mouthfeel sensitivity: investigating influences of whey protein content, consumer age, food format and fat addition
ECR Seminar 3, Thursday 15th September 2022, 11:30 – 12:30, Location: Logi Hall
Hannah Ford – E3S EuroSense Student Awards 2022
University of Nottingham (UK), IFST Sensory Science Group (UK)
A cross-cultural perspective of meat-eating consumers’ willingness and motivations to reduce meat intake and accept protein alternatives
Oral presentation
Ansung Kim – E3S EuroSense Student Awards 2022
Örebro University, Swedish Sensory Network (SSN), Sweden
Association between consumers' attachment towards meat on sensory properties and preferences of plant-based meat alternatives.
ECR Seminar 1, Tuesday 13th September 2022, 14:00 – 15:30, Location: Logi Hall