E3S Education WG Webinar – Sensory Education possibilities in the E3S Network

E3S 10th Anniversary Series

Organised by the E3S Education Working Group

9th February 2022, 16.00 – 17.00 CET – Register now 

The E3S Education Working Group has been active since 2011. National members of Education WG form the link between domestic universities, national sensory associations and E3S. Our previous leaders have been prof. Hely Tuorila, Finland, ATJ; prof. Catherine Dacremont, France, SFAS, and prof. Paula Varela, Norway, SSG.

The goal of Education WG is to collect and share education possibilities in the E3S network and to spread relevant information related to education to everyone. We are happy to tell you about the E3S-University sensory course database our WG has recently developed. We also maintain the list of external evaluators for PhD defenses concerning our member countries among other things.

You are very welcome to join our webinar. Please help us to determine needs concerning European Sensory education. Any contribution is most welcome to develop the Education WG tasks further.


  • Opening words and introduction to activities of the Education WG 2011-2021. Current WG leader prof. Mari Sandell, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • Learning Skills and elements in BSc level sensory education.Study coordinator Bodil Helene Allesen-Holm, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Learning Skills and elements in MSc level sensory education. E3S-sensory course database. Assoc. Prof. Betina Piqueras Fiszman, WUR, the Netherlands.
  • Use of 360° videos in sensory education. Dr. Lapo Pierguidi, University of Florence, Italy
  • Exchange of ideas with webinar participants. Moderated by Sensory Science Consultant Lauren Rogers, UK
  • Conclusion and closing. Mari Sandell

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