Deutsch Gesellschaft für Sensorik (DGSens) GERMANY

The German Sensory Society (DGSens) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2010 and devoted to promoting sensory & consumer science and research in Germany. DGSens ca.250 members have created a strong network of sensory experts to build and exchange cross-functional expertise and experience. DGSens organizes the yearly “German Sensory Days”, offer workshops as well as themed and regional working groups to review and discuss actual & relevant topics.

How to become a DGSens member

Membership can be gained via DGSens website. DGSens offer special memberships for students, universities and industries. Registered members can benefit from reduced conference/workshop fees and have access to special areas of DGSens homepage.


E3S delegate (representatives)

Dirk Minkner

Jörg Meier

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