10-12th June, 2013
Nofima, Osloveien 1, Ås, Norway
Registration deadline is May 12th
P.h.D. students will get a 25% discount
The course gives an overview of some of the most important and useful tools and methods for extracting useful information from sensory and consumer data. The course will focus on statistical analysis of sensory data, consumer liking data and relations between them.
Tutors: Tormod Næs, Per Brockhoff and Oliver Tomic
The aim is to present the most important methodologies for:
- quality control of sensory panel data
- interpretation of multivariate sensory panel and consumer liking data
- linking consumer liking data to intrinsic and extrinsic product attributes and
- studying individual differences and segmentation in consumer liking data
The presentations will cover both basic ideas, a large number of relevant examples, computer demonstrations and also some hands on activities.
The basic methodologies covered are based on principal component analysis, ANOVA and PLS regression
- June 10th (09.00-16.00)
- Lecture: Introduction to principal components (PCA) analysis and multivariate regression
- Lecture: Introduction to analysis of variance, ANOVA One way and two-way with no reps
- Lecture: Monitoring sensory panel performance and quality
- Hands on activities using the PanelCheck software (Simple monitoring – e.g. P-MSE plot etc. and simple ANOVA for complete consumer data – two-way with no reps)
- June 11th (09.00-16.00)
- Lecture: Applications of PCA for sensory panel data – maybe Tucker plots
- Lecture: Applications of ANOVA for sensory panel data, 2-way with reps and 3-way. (45 minutes)
- Hands on activities using the PanelCheck software continues)
- Applications of PCA and ANOVA for sensory panel data + hands on
- Lecture: Preference mapping with examples
- June 12th (09.00-16.00)
- Preference mapping continues + hands on
- Lecture: Conjoint analysis: Experimental design and analysis of consumer data
Participants should have basic knowledge of statistical terms such as correlation, standard deviation, simple linear regression and hypothesis testing. It will be an advantage with some knowledge of principal components analysis.
Learning outcome
The participants shall get an improved basis for understanding and utilising their own data, which, in turn, will give better basis for useful conclusions.
The course is based on the book: Statistics for sensory and consumer science (2010), J. Wiley and sons, written by the tutors of the course.
Practical information
Use this link for registration. Final date for registration is May 12th. Cancellation after May 12th will be charged with 50% of course fee. Ph.D. students will get a 25% discount. Dinner for participants will be arranged in the evening of June 10th. Dinner costs NOK 500.
NOK 13.000 Ph. D. students will get a 25% discount. Additional NOK 500 for the book