B-Tex Study

The B-tex study

The E3S Children WG is currently performing a cross-national study on texture perception and preference in children from different European countries: the B-Tex study.

Launch of the B-Tex study

The first project proposal was made during Eurosense 2016 with first results presented in occasion of Eurosense 2018.

Participating scientists

  • Monica Laureati (University of Milan, Italy)*
  • Valerie Almli Lengard (Nofima, Norway)*
  • Gertrude Zeinstra (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, NL)*
  • Mari Sandell (University of Turku, Finland)*
  • Hannah Jilani (BIPS, Germany)*
  • Marlies Hörmann-Wallner (University of Applied Sciences of Graz, Austria)
  • Lisa Methven (University of Reading, UK)
  • Pernilla Sandvik (Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • Begoña Alfaro (Zabala Innovation Consulting, Spain)

* members of the scientific committee


Studying food texture in relation to children’s perception and liking is a relevant research topic for several reasons:

  1. Texture perception and the relationship with food liking is not well understood in children
  2. Texture is reported to be a driver of likes and dislikes for many foods in children
  3. Texture is reported to be linked with food neophobia and pickiness, which are both high during childhood
  4. It is a relevant topic for cross-cultural studies because differences in the food environment and dietary experiences across cultures influence preferences for sensory characteristics of food
  5. Texture perception and preferences may develop with age, in line with developments of the mouth muscles, jaw and teeth as well as innervation of taste buds
  6. It is interesting for both the academic sector and food companies to better understand how to modulate texture in food to increase the intake of healthy food (food product development)

General aims

  • To better understand texture preferences in children from different European countries
  • To develop valid and child-friendly procedures to investigate food neophobia, texture preferences and children’s drivers of liking
  • To explore the relative contribution of texture, taste, flavor and appearance in children’s appreciation of healthy versions of food 


Presentations at international symposia

  • Laureati, M., Alfaro, B., Almli Lengard, V., Jilani, H., Methven, L., Sandell, M., Sandvik, P., Wallner, M., Zeinstra, G. Individual differences in food texture perception and preferences: a cross-national study in school-aged children.    Oral presentation: Eurosense – A Sense of Taste (Verona, 2-5 September 2018)
  •  Laureati, M., Alfaro, B., Almli Lengard, V., Jilani, H., Methven, L., Sandell, M., Sandvik, P., Wallner, M., Zeinstra, G. Main issues in cross-cultural studies with children. Oral presentation: Eurosense – A Sense of Taste (Verona, 2-5 September 2018)
  • Gruber, R.S., Wallner, M., Pichler, A., Jilani, H., Laureati, M., Lengard Almli, V., Sandell, M., Zeinstra, G. The association of BMI on children`s food preferences – Austrian results of the E3S B-Tex study. Poster: Eurosense – A Sense of Taste (Verona, 2-5 September 2018)                                                                                           
  •  Laureati, M., Proserpio, C., Alfaro, B., Almli Lengard, V., Jilani, H., Methven, L., Sandell, M., Sandvik, P., Wallner, M., Zeinstra, G. Cross-national differences in children food neophobia: a comparison of six European countries. Poster: 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 28 July – 1 August, 2019.
  • Sandvik, P., Almli, V.L., Alfaro, B., Jilani, H., Laureati, M., Methven, L., Sandell, M., Wallner, M., Zeinstra, G. Application of the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) method to explore sensory perception in children with different degrees of food neophobia. Oral presentation: 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 28 July – 1 August, 2019.
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