Statistic for sensory and consumer science



9 – 11 November, 2011
Nofima, Osloveien 1, Ås, Norway

In all parts of society the amount of available data increases every year. Only a small portion of it is, however, utilised efficiently. In this course you will get an overview of some of the most important and useful tools and methods that can be used for extracting useful information from sensory and consumer data.

The course will give you an improved basis for utilising and understanding your data better and then also a better basis for useful conclusions.

The course will focus on statistical analysis of sensory data, consumer liking data and relations between them. The aim is to present the most important methodologies for

  • quality control of sensory panel data;
  • interpretation of multivariate sensory panel and consumer liking data;
  • linking consumer liking data to intrinsic and extrinsic product attributes;
  • studying individual differences and segmentation in consumer liking data.

The presentations will cover both basic ideas, a large number of relevant examples, computer demonstrations and also some hands on activities. The first day will be set aside for analysis of sensory data only while the following two days will be devoted to consumer liking data and links between consumer data and sensory panel data.

The course will be based on the book: Statistics for sensory and consumer science (2010), J. Wiley and sons, written by the tutors of the course. The basic methodologies covered will be based on principal component analysis, ANOVA and PLS regression.

For the analysis of sensory panel data we will focus on the open source package “PanelCheck”, developed by the tutors of the course. For the consumer data, demonstrations will be given based on the Unscrambler and Minitab.

It will be required that participants have a basic knowledge of statistical terms such as correlation, standard deviation, simple linear regression and hypothesis testing. It will be an advantage with some knowledge of principal components analysis.

Tutors: Tormod Næs, Per Brockhoff and Oliver Tomic

Cost: NOK 10.000,- and additional NOK 500,- for the book

Contact persons are Tormod Næs and Lily Rømcke.

Further information

Visit Nofima course webpage

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