Recognising the major influence of a European established researcher in Sensory Science who has made major contributions to our understanding of sensory and consumer science, whether in terms of development of new methodologies, applications of knowledge or methods, education, and networking over a prolonged period.
Researcher who has conducted most of his/her activity in Europe, still in activity or retired, from academia or industry, with an international recognised experience in sensory and consumer science.
Potential criteria
- Scientific papers
- Books, book chapters
- Invited talks
- Connection to the industry
- Connection to society
- Organization of international conference or seminars
- Mentoring of young professionals
- Educating students
- Contribution to E3S grown and activity
Nomination process
Every second year the E3S board opens a call to collect nominations to the award by means both of the E3S newsletter and the website. National societies forward the call by means of their national newsletter and website and nominations are collected at a national level.
Each individual member of any national society can nominate any European researcher. Each individual can express or support one nomination only. Nominations should be accompanied by supporting documentation, including:
- a letter of support outlining the important contributions of the nominee
- the current position and title, address, telephone, e mail address, a summary CV including a link to the publications of the nominee
- a list of other members supporting the same nomination if any
Individuals can send the nomination to more than one National Society board. The board of each national society selects one nomination within 10 days from the deadline for the nominations. Each national sensory society can propose only one nominee. All the selected nominees are published in the national and E3S websites.

Awarding process
The selection of the award winner is done through online voting system by E3S representative delegates in the General Assembly.
A two round system is adopted. Each representative casts a single vote for their chosen candidate. The two round system may resolve an election in a single round if one nominee reaches the simple majority (50% + 1 of the vote). If no candidate receives enough of the vote in the first round, then a second round of voting is held with either just the top two candidates. The most voted candidate is finally awarded.
Voting is done using an online system, so that all representatives have access to the results as soon as the voting session is concluded. In this way confirmation/validation of results in guaranteed.

- March 31st: deadline for the collection of the nominations by national societies.
- April 15th: deadline for the selection of nominated researchers by the boards of national societies.
- May 6th: Voting process involving E3S General Assembly representatives and completion of the entire selection process of the winner.
The award winner receives 1500 euro and is invited to give a talk at the annual E3S symposium. In addition, the award is acknowledged at Eurosense.
Travel expenses, registration and accommodation to attend Eurosense and the E3S annual symposium (2-3 days each event) will be covered by E3S.
Previous awardees
2020: Prof. Hely Tuorila
2022: Prof. Erminio Monteleone